Konda Technologies at a Glance

  • Our Mission: Prevailing FPGA devices have forever been extremely area inefficient. Our mission is to make them ~3X more area efficient and with significant improvements in all other dimensions.
  • We are an IP Licensing Company: We license FPGA Routing Fabric IP and interconnection networks IP in general.
  • Founded in 2007: With a breakthrough patented invention of an elegant and seminal 2D layout for Benes Networks and a variety of multi-stage networks.
  • Enabling “2D Multi-stage Networks”, N*logN architectures to be used as FPGA Routing Fabrics.
  • We coined the terms “2D Benes Network”, “2D Multi-stage Network”, “2D BFT Network” and “2D BFT Pyramid Network”…  (We use any one of these terms interchangeably to refer to all of them, including on this web site.)
  • Konda’s 2D layout:  Shows a Multi-stage network is implementable on a silicon die as elegantly and exactly the same way as a 2D-Mesh Network, and with ~3X die area improvements as well as significant improvements in all other dimensions such as power, performance and wire (metal layer) reduction.
  • Our layouts are Validated by many Industry & academic experts:
    • Prof. Serge Plotkin, Stanford University
    • Prof. Alberto Sangiovanni Vincentelli, University of California, Berkeley.
    • Dr. Steve Trimberger, Retired Fellow, Xilinx
    • to name a few…



We currently hold ~10 granted patents and more pending


  • We have proven our Routing Fabric Technology in multiple FPGA customer SW environments with all the above mentioned benefits.
  • Multiple customers licensed and productized several generations of Chips incorporating our Routing fabric technology.
  • With 10+ years of customer interaction & implementation in various FPGA Architectures, we have in depth understanding of the intricacies of our customer’s FPGA Fabric needs.
  • We are located in Silicon Valley, CA.

Our website is still getting updated. Thank you for your understanding. Please stay tuned…